Template:Find sources/proj/is med

Checks the WikiProjects listed on the current page for the presence of WP:WikiProject Medicine (and some of its redirects), and returns 1 if the project is found on the page, and empty if it is not.
The WikiProject template is WikiProject_Medicine and has more than 500 in-links.
Some of the redirects detected by this template are:
- Wikiproject_Medicine > 500 in-links
- Wikiproject_med 0 in-links
- Wikiproject_Med 0 in-links
- Wikiproject_medicine 6 in-links
- WP Med 4 in-links
- WP Medicine 240 in-links
- WP:MED 0 in-links
- Wpmed 5 in-links
- WPMed 18 in-links
- WPMED > 500 in-links
- WPMedicine 47 in-links
Existing redirects with in-links not currently detected:
- WPMEDICINE 6 in-links
Note about false positives: this template would also match other redirects, such as "wP mEd", but this shouldn't be a problem, as any string it matches, if created, would likely be assigned as a redirect to project Medicine and not to some other project.