OLAY Database

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A dynamic list of overlays (OLAY) used for 10 News First regional Queensland updates.

Types of OLAYs

Generic OLAYs

Generic OLAYs are built using stock footage, grabs from the network and from other sources that can be used for recurring stories. Generic OLAYs can be of locations that commonly appear in stories (i.e. police stations, hospitals, government buildings


List of Generic OLAYs

List of Daily OLAYs by Year/Week


Week 27 (1 July) Week 28 (8 July)

Week 29 (15 July)


Daily OLAY tables

Story title

  • The title of the story that the OLAY is intended for.


  • The market that the story is being run in. Multiple markets can be added.
    • Markets include Cairns (CAI), Townsville (TOW), Rockhampton (ROC), Bundaberg (WID) and Sunshine Coast (SUN).


  • Whether the OLAY is a still, a video or a grab.
    • Stills are just photos with zooming effects.
    • Videos are self explanatory.
      • Depending on the video, if it is a sports event, diagetic sudio from the video can be used.
    • Grabs are videos that have sudio that is used in the story.


  • The source of the footage, such as the news publication the photos are taken, the name of the photographer, the @handles of online channels, etc.


  • One of the journalists that has sent the OLAY
    • Journalists include Philippa (PIP), Caspar (CAS) and Stacey (STA).


  • Link to the OLAY source


  • Anything extra